Elon is a technocratic globalist, He and the Trump "team" are apparently ideally suited to complete the globalist plans at an accelerated pace. Clay Clark is one of many sources where background on Elon can be found, at least a partial (https://timetofreeamerica.com/?s=elon+musk) -- but there is an extensive dossier to be discovered on each of the key players all complicit in the precipitation and completion of the "agenda" of the NWO. From Pro-Vaxx, Pro-Pharma, Pro Biodigital ID, Pro-Digital Currency, Pro Zionism, Pro-AI, to escalating hostile relations (where is that famous "Art of the Deal?") in the absence of using all of the might, resources and diplomatic acumen of the U.S to find reasonable solutions, we're instead going to build the nouveau Riveria where over 2 million indigenous persons have been driven, imprisoned, vilified and tortured, starved, bombed and repeatedly betrayed by the occupier force of invaders that formed a nation state calling itself Israel, led by a dictator and Zionist tyrant (following the Babylonian Talmud -- loosely) and dedicated to the establishment of a purely apartheid state, expanding its territory even further, and eventually supporting the establishment of the (Anti-Christ inspired) headquarters of the New World Order in Jerusalem. U.S> politics has become theater, a distraction and a ruse to focus attention on less significant initiatives and overblown issues that can easily be swept away as though by magic with little to no political capital expended.....while the MAGA (magicians) other hand completes the final stages of the globlaists desired plans pr his assignment, ably supported and abetted by his entourage of like-minded global sycophants....actors all.

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Time to pay the piper!

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Money talks... And there's your sign.

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Eko on Substack

This goes into detail about what DOGE did at Treasury!!!! It is so great. You will read it twice!

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