There is no discernment here whatsoever. There are no modern apostles. Women are forbidden by the Word of God to hold pastorates. All of America is Babylon and has been since its inception - not just the Deep State. America will be destroyed by fire - her destruction will come in one hour (if she is Babylon). The Word does NOT say God will restore Babylon; it says He will DESTROY Babylon. Look 2 verses deeper - in Revelation 18:4 (not just 2) - God’s people are commanded to COME OUT of Babylon - not try to reform her. And then there are penalties for failing to do so. You are watching a dog and pony show. They do good with their right hand while doing evil with their left. The good works are merely for show - and to deceive you and lull you into complacency. Transhumanist Robotic Artificial Intelligence and the Brain Computer Interface is a “make man a god” agenda based on total blasphemy - and Elon and Trump are running for that finish line.
Praying for continues safety. Freedom and victory for our country.
Thank you! Beautiful prayer! Asking for God’s mercy on our nation’s leaders.
Amen 🙏
There is no discernment here whatsoever. There are no modern apostles. Women are forbidden by the Word of God to hold pastorates. All of America is Babylon and has been since its inception - not just the Deep State. America will be destroyed by fire - her destruction will come in one hour (if she is Babylon). The Word does NOT say God will restore Babylon; it says He will DESTROY Babylon. Look 2 verses deeper - in Revelation 18:4 (not just 2) - God’s people are commanded to COME OUT of Babylon - not try to reform her. And then there are penalties for failing to do so. You are watching a dog and pony show. They do good with their right hand while doing evil with their left. The good works are merely for show - and to deceive you and lull you into complacency. Transhumanist Robotic Artificial Intelligence and the Brain Computer Interface is a “make man a god” agenda based on total blasphemy - and Elon and Trump are running for that finish line.
Do not judge, For Gods grace is sufficient for all who believe.
Amen. For the Glory of God and the love of family and neighbour.