Sep 17Liked by Ann Vandersteel

Amen lets do it. Get back to its founding its so perverted ,taxes ,surveillance,wars not declared by congress everthing funded indebtedness 18 intel agencies working on American soil against Americans shall not be infringed

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Now we're talking! You get it! Bravo!

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They are not talking about throwing out the constitution! What they are saying is restore the original 13th amendment as ratified in 1819 then changed without a single Vote of citizens or congress in 1865 which also led to the Rothschilds/Rockefellers to steal thus country by, buying up all of the 30 year bonds congress sold supposedly to us(citizens) after the Civil War wich was this countries first bankruptcy, which they expected would bring the country back to even keel financially, but in 1903 a Rothschild and a Rockefeller interrupted congress by saying we have all of these 30 year bonds and you owe us X amount plus interest, subsequently bankrupting this country again, then convinced congress to start the first national bank later to become the federal reserve which is neither federal or a reserve!

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Sep 17Liked by Ann Vandersteel

How about if we start by prosecuting the fraudsters before we toss out the Constitution?

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They are not talking about throwing out the constitution! What they are saying is restore the original 13th amendment as ratified in 1819 then changed without a single Vote of citizens or congress in 1865 which also led to the Rothschilds/Rockefellers to steal thus country by, buying up all of the 30 year bonds congress sold supposedly to us(citizens) after the Civil War wich was this countries first bankruptcy, which they expected would bring the country back to even keel financially, but in 1903 a Rothschild and a Rockefeller interrupted congress by saying we have all of these 30 year bonds and you owe us X amount plus interest, subsequently bankrupting this country again, then convinced congress to start the first national bank later to become the federal reserve which is neither federal or a reserve!

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It seems like conflating two discussions. One about the veracity of the 13th Amendment as currently written and another about Trump saying the 2020 election was so fraudulent that it warrants tossing out all rules, regulations and even the Constitution for a remedy. On the latter, the fraud has to be identified and prosecuted before we can even contemplate something as radical as ignoring the Constitution and presumably using military force to seek a remedy. As an aside, I agree that you can't serve two masters and all of our "dual citizens" in Congress bother me greatly.

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The proof is out there and nothing is getting done about it because we the people are not demanding it. Joe Biden facts... 2012 as Vice President committed quid pro quo to Ukraine to remove their government's version of theor attorney General from investigating Buristma gas and oil where his son Hunter worked just after being booted out of the Navy Reserve For drug use, as well as all the proof that has come out of congressional hearings that have also found proof that the Biden family took millions from both Ukraine and CCP China before even being elected as president, all that proof has come out and is public knowledge yet he is still the president!....hmm want more facts?

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The Biden crime family needs to be prosecuted along with many others from the DC Swamp cesspool, but I'm not sure what this has to do with the 13th Amendment or Trump's call to ignore laws, rules and the constitution because of election fraud.

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I read his statement as corruptions want to do the things that you are saying Trump wants to. Or did I read it wrong. After all, it is the subject of the sentence. Nowhere did I see that Trump wants this.

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Did you see the image of his Trump Truth post?

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... the freedoms we throw away today are the freedoms our Grandchildren will never know existed.

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Trump is not saying that! He has no desire to change the Constitution! He is revealing the plans of the Democrat traitors.

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Re-read what the original 13th amendment stated that would instantly remove the likes of the Biden family and all others that that have done the same to include the Bush family

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We the people need to see him through this . With all the opposition to his campaign and his life , nothing is definately. Godspeed and god bless🙏🏼

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How is this recent? His post is dated ‘22?

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Sep 17·edited Sep 17

Lone Gunmen and Tell Tale Signs of an MK Ultra Assassin

Second failed Trump assassination by mind controlled drone




If you want to know who is behind the false-flag shootings, fake assassination attempts, mass mind manipulations, and

how They do it and why, watch this one movie.

Its all there, hiding in plain sight.




stuck on Trojan Trump

nose in rump

without a face mask

PappaVaxx we want him back! ?


911 impotence led to Virus Scam subservience



Escape The DemoRub!

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IF congress does not pass an amendment and send it to states to ratify—then a new convention would have to be held and you DO NOT want that. delegates to a convention have plenipotenary powers.

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