It appears every so often we have to fight the difficult battles to let the ones coming up understand- freedom is not free- it never was. There's a price for it- we all have a duty in it.
I have 2 military sons, of whom I am very proud. It has been a trying season, to say it lightly
Gods blessings over us as we each realize WE have duties and responsibilities. If we roll over and let anyone decide what's best for us, we give away our power. And they are trying to make that forever. Tine to take back self responsibility and freedom. Don't become dependant, you'll only get the breadcrumbs they decide you are worthy of, when they have them.
We must end the tyrannical force that's in OUR House right now, if we ever expect to "get back home".
A truly remarkable American man, husband, and father. God bless him and his family and keep them safe.
Wow! This is a Beautiful and Truthful Speech! Fight on Patriots! God Bless You!
Thank you, deeply, for your service, and that of your family. Gods blessings over you!
It appears every so often we have to fight the difficult battles to let the ones coming up understand- freedom is not free- it never was. There's a price for it- we all have a duty in it.
I have 2 military sons, of whom I am very proud. It has been a trying season, to say it lightly
Gods blessings over us as we each realize WE have duties and responsibilities. If we roll over and let anyone decide what's best for us, we give away our power. And they are trying to make that forever. Tine to take back self responsibility and freedom. Don't become dependant, you'll only get the breadcrumbs they decide you are worthy of, when they have them.
We must end the tyrannical force that's in OUR House right now, if we ever expect to "get back home".