Still Standing - 1000 Days and Counting
Former Green Beret Master and J6 Political Hostage, Sergeant Jeremy Brown is behind enemy lines and will face the enemy in court September 4, 2024
(Via Publius)
The Story of U.S. Army Special Forces
"Green Beret" Master Sergeant (Ret.) Jeremy Brown
1000 days in two American jails. 1000 days of stolen stories, stolen joys, stolen memories.
His Crime: EXPOSING the FBI
The first week of October 2021, Jeremy Brown was supposed to be hitting the American roads in the family Recreational Vehicle with his long time girlfriend, Tylene, and their two Australian Shepherds, Liberty and Ranger.
The 20 year retired Special Forces Combat Veteran and his girlfriend were packing their life into their RV, a 24 foot trailer and only days away from closing the sale of their home in Tampa, Florida. Their plan was to start their retirement life together. A life on the open road visiting family, friends and exploring the beautiful country Jeremy had spent his entire adult life defending.
Instead, thanks to the Federal Bureau of Investigation's Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF), it would be the begining of 1,000 stolen days and counting...
The FBI's JTTF, with the assistance of local authorities, arrested Jeremy in his driveway on September 30, 2021. Why? Well, that depends on who you ask and what story you have heard. This is Jeremy Brown's story. Those of us who were there, looked into Jeremy's claims or have watched it unfold, call this story, THE TRUTH.
Seven months prior, Jeremy went public with an audio recording he made on December 9, 2020, of two Department of Homeland Security Investigators, working as part of the FBI's JTTF, attempting to recruit him to infiltrate and spy on a group of law abbidding Americans.
Those same two Federal Agents returned to Jeremy's home to arrest him (for what they claimed) were two misdemeanor counts of "trespassing" in relation to the events of January 6, 2021. Charges which he vociferously denies and is currently fighting in federal court, as well as the "Court of Public Opinion". Jeremy never entered the Capitol building.
An outspoken, couragous whistleblower and truth teller concerning the actual events of January 6, Jeremy, now age 49, has had 1,000 days of precious time stolen from him. By this time, he should have already spent nearly three years in the "Captain's Chair," piloting he and Tylene’shome on wheels from State to State. By this time, his social media photos would have already been updated to show their stop in front of the "World Famous" Corn Palace. He should have been giving public speeches explaining the dangers of an out-of-control FBI and exposing their criminal activites for the past 142 weeks.
There have been numerous instances of missed joy and pain- graduations, birthdays, medical recoveries and, sadly, deaths of family and friends- all of which could have used Jeremy's love. He has experienced 1,000 days stolen and counting... of monumental revelations and courtroom wins and losses in whistleblower cases other than his. With Jeremy locked away, there's one less credible expert to sound the alarm when FBI crimes and violations of the rights of Americans are publicly boasted about. He has had 1,000 days stolen and counting... these days should have been spent preparing for and enjoying his future with Tylene, playing with Libby and Ranger, hanging out with his best buddies, and rebuilding his relationship with his five daughters.
For 22 to 23 hours a day, Jeremy sits in his seven by ten foot cell at the Citrus County Detention Facility in Central Florida, which he jokingly has renamed the "Citrus County Resort for Threats to Democracy", a tip of the hat to the late great Rush Limbaugh and his "Club GITMO" references.
He meets at least once a week with one of his three current attorneys, and sometimes more depending on what’s needed to further his case. He also attends Zoom hearings with the DC Court for the upcoming trial, and patiently waits for his current appeal. That appeal is slowly working its way through the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit. That appeal was submitted October 23, 2023, and is currently waiting to have oral arguments granted. If justice still exist in America, this appeal should completely overturn the miscarriage of justice that is hisconviction and wipe out the 87 month Federal Prison sentence he was given.
Friends, family, and complete strangers from around the country and overseas send letters, cards and 'Jpay' messages (a jail-specific email system) with updates on life, world events and the chaos in America. He gives phone interviews with anyone willing to listen to and share his story. Periodically, he acts as the co-host of his own podcast, "The Fusion Cell", which is produced and hosted by his dear friend and former Richmond, California Police Sergeant, Jennifer.
He studies the stories of the "Wall Street Journal" and "The Epoch Times" in search of hope the American people are awakening to the truth. He slowly works his way through books sent to him by friends and supporters. The books stored on his makeshift bookshelf are the following: a box of DOJ/FBI discovery covered with an orange jail bed sheet, with wall mounted seats as book ends. On his nightstand (also made of boxes of discovery) is his jail-issued tablet, which is usually tuned in on the only news/talk station available on the FM radio app. It is also used to view movies or TV shows when he needs a mindless distraction.
It's so easy to get discouraged, lose hope and start feeling sorry for yourself. Captivity is designed that way. So, distraction is good in small doses, but structure and reflection are his greatest survival tools.
Jeremy’s continues to shoulder this burden with purpose. His purpose is housed within three photo albums purchased through the jail’s commissary. Two albums are on the wall, latched to the electrical conduit with elastic hair ties and one is propped open on his "nightstand". Each holds 100 photos- photos of family, friends, his five beautiful and rapidly growing daughters, his two dogs,and of course, his wonderful girlfriend. The albums are labeled Tuesday and Saturday; Sunday and Thursday; and Monday, Wednesday, Friday. They are labeled with the days each album's pages are flipped.
After 20 years in Special Operations, five years running a luxury transportation company,and a campaign for US Congress, staying at home and just enjoying life was a new, and at times, difficult mission. As the old saying goes, "You can take the man out of the fight, but you can't take the fight out of the man." Little did Jeremy know, his next fight would come knocking on his front door. Now, years later, these 1,000 days stolen and counting... are considered the longest "combat deployment" in his distinguished career in defense of our Nation.
Retired Life
While Jeremy retired from the military in 2012 and closed his luxury transportation company in 2018 after his brother's suicide, and ended a 10 month Congressional campaign in 2020, he had yet to experience the legendary "retired life" and the mythical respite promised in advertisements for 'The Villages'. In fact, when asked, he would often quip that retirement was "just a fancy government word for being 'unemployed'". But after a bitter bite at the apple of politics, followed by the anti-Liberty COVID response, peace, solitude and independence was calling!
Jeremy didn't really know what real retirement should look or feel like, but he knew 100% how he wanted to get there: IN A RV!
The sales pitch to his girlfriend about a new life began after they spent months living with Jeremy’s Special Forces buddy, Jay, and his family on their 26-acre homestead in Texas. "Wouldn't it be great if we could visit everyone like this, all the time?" Tylene's thoughts went to her friends in Arizona, where she graduated for the University of Arizona (Go CATS!), and Santa Monica, California where she hoped to show Jeremy her High School stomping grounds.
But just like the adventure of running for Congress had to be used as an excuse to buy a puppy, I mean 'offical mascot', Liberty, their first Assuie pup, Jeremy wasted no time finding their next adventures mascot; Ranger, their new black-tri Aussie. With cute puppy in place and the softening of Tylene's desire to keep working for "just a few more years" underway, Jeremy began briefing her on possible "CONOPs" (Special Forces lingo for 'plans').
By October of 2020, Jeremy had been given the "Ok" for a one year test of the "RV Life", just to make sure it was realistic. So, they found an almost 20 year old Class-A Diseal Pusher. For the non-RVers out there, that is the big bus type. One major step closer to Jeremy's "Captain Fantastic" dream lifestyle of living on the road.
THE PLAN: Spend the next year living in that RV as much as Tylene's work would allow and hope she loved it. If she did, she would retire, they'd sell everything they didn't need or couldn't haul, and upgrade to the 5-Star Hotel on Wheels version. Did it work? Does the FBI illegally spy on you? OF COURSE, don't be silly!
In late September 2021, Jeremy made plans to help his best friend, Scott, another Special Forces buddy, with a list of 1000+ unfinished projects in North Carolina. Meanwhile, Tylene could still work remotely, they could save money, and shop for that new home on wheels. Their home had multiple offers on the first day and was set to close with an all cash deal on October 4.
On September 30, 2021, instead of packing for the start of their new life, Jeremy was 're-enlisted' to defend his Nation, against a Domestic Enemy for the first time in his life of service. The ceremony was brief and involved 15 to 20 Federal and Local Agents of the FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Force, helicopters, guns, body armor and handcuffs. Jeremy was taken into custody in this "Domestic Terrorism Raid" for two misdemeanors, arrested by the same two Agents he recorded almost a year prior. Jeremy hasn't tasted freedom since, 1000 days stolen and counting...
The Ford F-350 pickup truck they bought to help Scott with all those projects has since been used occassionally as a stage at rallies to support Jeremy or to help friends move and Tylene takes Libby and Ranger for rides in "Daddy's truck" just to keep it running, but for the most part it sits parked. The RV they planned to sell and upgrade now sits idle like a battleship in mothballs. Unable to drive it or bring herself to sell it, Tylene will occassionally crank it up and sit inside with the dogs and wonder, 'what if?'. The sale of their home was canceled and that financial opportunity was lost.
For the last 1000 days stolen and counting... Jeremy's retirement has been has put on hold, and the lives of those who would have helped him enjoy it have been forced into a suspended animation as they patiently endure this judical process, a process that is the punishment.
Wish He Was Here
Over the last 1000 days stolen and counting... life and death as well as successes and failures have all happened without Jeremy.
Scott and his wife are expecting a new baby boy and Jen and her wife have moved to North Carolina. Now, Jen can help Scott with those 1000+ unfinished projects. But don't worry she isn't stealing Jeremy's job. She’s just holding it down until justice is realized and Jeremy is free to join them with a 'cold one' around a bonfire.
Jeremy's Uncle Robert, who practically raised him throughout his high school summers, died suddenly. So did Bruce, Jeremy’s Mother's life partner of 26+ years, who collapsed and died right in front of her. Jeremy was unable to attend either funeral or be there to comfort his Mother or family or to be comforted himself.
He's 'celebrated' three birthdays in jail with the 4th, his 50th birthday, coming October 1, not to mention missing everyone elses' birthdays, to include his five daughters. Not to mention Veteran's Days, Thanksgivings, Christmases, New Years and Independence Days. All are days that should bring joy, but in jail they are just blank squares on a hand drawn calander. For those who miss Jeremy the days seem equally as unimportant without him, especially knowing why he is absent.
Then there are the graduations. Two of his daughters have graduated from high school. His oldest just graduated from College and already has a dream job in Mississippi caring for dolphins and otters. Volleyball games, varsity cheerleading, Proms and so many other milestones that weren't even a possibility to attend or experience.
To make matters worse, there are the failures and delays. Failures of the system to provide Jeremy with justice or to deliver accountability to the corrupt FBI that has targeted him. While tens of millions cry out for justice and fairness in the case of former President Trump, Jeremy's story has been actively suppressed or ignored by major media outlets and voices, despite being illegally locked away by the same corrupt machine for 1000 stolen days and counting...
If He Were Here
No greater void has been left than the one endured by Tylene, Jeremy's girlfriend of over 10 years. It was her home that was sold to start their new life. It was that life that was turned upside down by the FBI when when Jeremy was handcuffed, shoved into an unmarked SUV, and driven away as she recorded the entire scene with her phone.
When we asked Tylene for the thing she missed most in the last 1000 days stolen and counting..., her response was, "Well, it depends where we are."
"In Texas, it would be 'Sangria Sundays'." Jeremy would make a pitcher of homemade sangria and put on a newly purchased Haiwiian shirt, from a local thrift store of course, and they would sit around with Jay and his family and reflect on the week and enjoy the peace and quiet of Texas living.
"In North Carolina, it would be sitting on Scott's dock and watching him do his morning reading." She shared a photo of him, on that dock, in the folding rocking chair they bought for their new RV life, reading with Libby and Ranger laying at his feet.
"At home, they are the little things like changing the batteries in security cameras, bringing in the groceries, taking out the trash, or crunching our budget numbers." She recalled Jeremy always trying to make sure she knew how to do things on her own, but she would drive him crazy with his least favorite phrase, "That's what I have you for!" But, for 1000 days stolen and counting... she hasn't had him to do those things.
She isn't the only one in the house that misses Jeremy. She shared video grams sent to Jeremy in jail of Libby and Ranger perking up when all she would say is the word 'Daddy'. "In fact, just today I said ‘Daddy’ and Ranger freaked out and ran to the door!"
"Oh gosh, there's just so much," and with a quivering of pain and saddness in her voice, she said, "You're taking me down a long road." A long road, indeed and the road that lies ahead is much, much longer.
US Army Special Forces Master Sergeant (Ret.) Jeremy Brown has spent his entire life defending this country and he continues, to this very day. On March 5, 2021, when he publicly exposed his recording of the FBI's JTTF recruiting him to inform them "in case something happens in January", he did so knowing they would come after him. But more importantly, he knew what the FBI was doing was a violation of the Constitution he had sworn to "Support and Defend".
How long will MSG (Ret.) Jeremy Brown sit in jail for exposing the disgusting underbelly of an out of control FBI, Intellegence Community, Department of Defense, and the truth about the events leading up to January 6? He answered that exact question when it was posed in his only face to face jail house interview with award winning journalist Lara Logan. "I will be here as long as the American People leave me here."
It's been 1000 days stolen and counting... that's 33.3 months, 142.8 weeks, 24,000 hours, 1,440,000 minutes, 86,400,000 seconds, and counting. And for those "grabbing your popcorn and waiting", that's 411,428 bags of popcorn (approximately). Will we allow it to be 1000 more or will we say "NO MORE!" Only 'We the People' have the power to decide. PUBLIUS.
If you would like to learn more, help MSG (Ret.) Jeremy Brown by donating (even a small amount) to offset the extreme financial burden of the fight or request an interview, please visit... and share with your social media networks using the hashtag #WhoIsJeremyBrow