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International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA) Shuts Down All Ports On Atlantic and Gulf Coast On Oct 1st, As Strike Begins Against United States Maritime Alliance (USMX)
From the ILA Facebook early this morning….
NORTH BERGEN, NJ. (October 1, 2024) The International Longshoremen’s Association shut down all ports from Maine to Texas at 12:01am on Tuesday, October 1, 2024, as tens of thousands of ILA rank-and-file members began setting up picket lines at waterfront facilities up and down the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts.
The ILA rejected United States Maritime Alliance (USMX) final proposal made on Monday, setting the stage for the first ILA coast wide strike in almost 50 years. The USMX last offer fell far short of what ILA rank-and-file members are demanding in wages and protections against automation.
“USMX brought on this strike when they decided to hold firm to foreign owned Ocean Carriers earning billion-dollar profits at United States ports, but not compensate the American ILA longshore workers who perform the labor that brings them their wealth,” said President Harold Daggett, the leader of the 85,000-member ILA union. “We are prepared to fight as long as necessary, to stay out on strike for whatever period of time it takes, to get the wages and protections against automation our ILA members deserve.”
Even the leaders in Washington who encouraged the ILA and USMX to keep negotiations going up until the September 30th deadline, concluded on Monday that USMX and the greedy foreign companies they represent are only interested in protecting their fat revenues and not taking care of hard-working ILA longshore workers.
The ILA said USMX’s supposed wage increase offer fell far short of the demands of ILA rank-and-file members for them to ratify a new contract.
“USMX owns this strike now,” said ILA President Daggett. “They now must meet our demands for this strike to end.” Contact: Jim McNamara, ILA. jmcnamara@ilaunion.org.
What is obvious to anyone at this very moment in time is the utter disregard for those suffering the most right now. Clearly our fellow Americans, who just suffered a massive natural disaster resulting in death and destruction, are consequentially also suffering a supply chain crisis. Having to resort to helicopters and drones to rescue people and deliver life saving supplies is only going to be exponentially compounded with this strike.
Our national supply chain is fragile at best. With the halt of deliveries at the docks, within 3 days store shelves will go bare. This means that for those suffering isolation due to roads and bridges being washed out, needing helicopters and drones to deliver supplies, will further be injured as supplies disappear with this strike.
Compound that with the federal governments intentional relocation of illegals into Asheville, NC just mere days before Hurricane Helene slammed into the East Tennessee River Valley and Western North Carolina, and you only need to jump on the social media telegraph to read about the looting and robbing in progress as these criminal invaders are taking everything possible now that law and order have devolved.
The question everyone is asking is: “WHERE IS THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT?” I mean with all the tax money paid and the billions printed by the Federal Reserve, why are the victims not getting real help? That question was answered by the mushroom in the White House:
With Fort Bragg just mere miles away, I want to know where our military response has been? Apparently they felt threatened enough to shelter from the wind…but it is now 5 days after Helene and I do not see evidence of their troops and equipment helping anyone? Is this a result of their new name, Fort Liberty, as a reflection of their woke culture and not wanting to offend the illegals running rampant in their own state? Would their presence scare the invaders while looting?
We are witnessing biblical level cleansing. It seems there is a war between the owners of this planet and I believe the people have actually won. We are just living through the death rattle of the controlled deep state puppets that were promised everything and are now facing their adjudication (before the eyes of God) and are tormenting us on the way out. They still control a lot of levers, therefore we must NOT QUIT! We must keep advancing freedom with our boots on their throats. We the people must engage in common law notices and affidavits. For when we do we hold a mirror up to them, they crack under the ugliness of their actions.
Truth begets truth…Lies only last so long…The people are waking up, and the more pain that they suffer, the more they will seek answers. This longshoremen strike could be the pain that catapults the people into action, if not for the mere human instinct of basic survival.
God help us all.
This is exactly what happened in Lahaina, on Maui. Resources were delayed with military bases all around. Locals were delivering food & water by jet skis. Delivery of large truckloads of food & essentials were turned away by officials because they were not FEMA approved. Unconscionable acts witnessed by citizens. Truth wins & people overcome. Push back hard & expose it all.
The world seems like it is imploding. So many out for themselves. Isn’t that the way of the democrats? 🤔