The global war for control and your soul is all about the desire by a few psychopaths to maintain their positions of power through global governance. These so called “elite” are few (relatively) in number, are anti-God, anti-humanity and believe they can control the world through their fake “do-good” scams that have duped societies for decades.
The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) UN aims ‘to bring multilateralism back’ through its adoption of the dystopian Pact for the Future. In this pact, the UN member countries adopt and architecture predicated on tackling wars, environmental threats and technological challenges facing mankind. that aims to make the organisation more relevant and effective on the global stage. I ask you this question:
When in the recent 21st century has the UN achieved anything short of raping and pillaging their way through countries who gave way only to be left with less security and resources than before the blue helmeted storm troopers arrived? The mounting criticism over its failures to stop wars and hold to account those who violate its charter has been lay bare for the world to see.
As BRICS get ever more powerful, and the central banks get ever more weakend due to their fiat currencies and failure of their own suicidal economic policies, Russia and Iran, and five additional nations, opposed the “Pact for the Future”. But for the bought and paid for globalist pigs leading the rest of their countrymen like lemmings over a cliff, the 7 countries lead by Russia and Iran failed to prevent the document from proceeding during the summit that ran this past Sunday and Monday.
How do we get out of this seemingly complex gordian knot?
SIMPLE: We just say “NO”!
In the most simplistic of terms, God created man to be free. Man created government to provide law and order for which we have a constitution to prevent government from reigning tyranny and terror over its people. We do not need a bloody revolution, although the federal government and their UN overlords would love to see that, we just need to remember who is boss.
To simply this conundrum, we need to only look to Collier County, Florida. Those fine people there dutifully attended their county commissioner meetings and managed to get their county recognized as a Bill of Rights Sanctuary County. The Federal government cannot interfere with their God given rights and freedoms. No mandates, masks, lockdowns…
The State of Louisiana Senate passed a bill that states The World Health Organization, United Nations, and the World Economic Forum shall have no jurisdiction or power within the state of Louisiana (SENATE BILL NO. 133). Signed by the Governor of Louisiana on May 28, 2024, it became Act 395.
What does it take to accomplish freedom from tyranny?
YOU - THE PEOPLE to stand up and TELL your public servants what you want them to do in order to serve and protect you, and the constitution for which they swore an oath to uphold and defend.
America is overwhelmed, confused and illiterate when it comes to our history and responsibility towards civic duty. We have been anesthetized to sleep by electronic monitoring systems. Our addiction to sugar, porn, violent content with a side helping of weekly sports is the Sodom and Gomorrah of our time.
Russia has held the sanctity of life in the highest of regard while the U.S has removed God from the classroom and government and worshipped the latest craze in birth control, abortions. We are focused on sex drugs, rock 'n' roll instead of the sanctity of a man and woman and the family they can reproduce.
During the revolutionary war, the Russians provided shipping of vital supplies through their neutrality. During the Civil War, the Russians engagement helped defend the Union from British Confederate influence. Then in World War II, it was the Russians who helped the Allies defeat the Nazis.
I won’t be surprised to see the Russians help Americans find support and liberation from an oppressive regime which has held freedom hostage since the inception of the OSS, the predecessor to the CIA. Our Republic can stand, we just need our faith in God and some unlikely allies…ones that also find truth in our Lord and Savior.
Thank you - I will share this out - this info brings hope to many and we must STAND and PUSH BACK with resistance together - bringing people hope.
Well said. I made the mistake yesterday of spending significant time on X. It enlightened me to the extent of the disaster Helene caused in her path, but it also made me realize what Godless leadership we have. And it is intentional. Disturbing that there are so many still blind to that fact.